The purpose of this project was to create a brand that relates to the historic cowboy town of Eden, Utah. I did by researching famous cowboys, towns, and films and came up with a color scheme that was reminiscent of the Gold Rush era. My design choices for this project took some inspiration from Luchador posters seen in Mexico and western films like “The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly”. I wanted the designs to feel rustic and dirty to mimic the harsh environments of the wild west. The typography combines an serif known as Cabrito Didone that I found was used in many western newspapers and condensed font, Tungsten, to help bring in some modern aspects to the design. Some custom iconography was made with the early iterations of the branding, but was never really used. The logo was designed with the idea of combining both American cowboys with Vaqueros giving it a direct relation to the style of food that the cantina serves.